Human Trafficking in Nepal
Angels Home in Kathamandu
Angles Joy and CAP Nepal in Kathmandu, have joined forces in establishing a home in order to provide shelter and a safe haven where young girls who are minors and victims of violence, can be protected and nourished.
The home provides shelter for victims of rape, at risk females who are minors, and those individuals who have been trafficked. Funds provided by Angels Joy go toward maintaining a shelter house called, “Angels Home” where food, clothing, medicines and transportation are provided for the girls who have been rescued and/ or have decided to walk away from ‘the life’. Minors, aged 12 and 13 years, who have nowhere else to go, stay in the program for several years. Angels Joy’s funds also pay for the services of a psychologist, staff members and other employees at the Angels Home. Angels Joy believes in a holistic approach knowing that the key to healing the deep wounds suffered by these young girls who have been violated, is in providing material help alongside integrating therapies like yoga, meditation, and teaching of basic human values.
Furthermore, these young girls/ women are given the opportunity to learn a vocational skill of their choice for the purpose of learning and achieving economic independence and reintegration into society at large.
‘As our girls in Angels Home grew up successfuly, the support for this program has completed. The focus is now to do the same in India.’
CAP Nepal
For further information about 'CAP Nepal' please check :